Tuesday, July 22, 2008

More things to see...

To the right you can see Ellen Boelcke of Access to Employment in Kelowna. She was a recent visitor to the site and loved the high vaulted ceilings in the entrance-ways of our homes. The homes continue to change everyday...siding has been started on building #1 as you can see above...new mechanical equipment appears seemingly out of nowhere...different teams of builders arrive on site weekly...it really is an amazing process to watch! We are getting into all the detailed work with mechanical, electrical, plumbing, landscaping designs, telephone and security systems. Meanwhile work continues to ensure the buildings are meeting licensing requirements, city codes, building codes, public health codes, fire codes and even postal codes! The staff at Classic Rehab are also working diligently on recruiting clinical staff, creating program principles and guidelines, developing communication plans, financial systems and personnel systems. Whew! Talk about building community!!