Monday, November 10, 2008
Jill Howell, Leader of Operations for Lake Country Learning Community recently attended Kelowna's largest job fair. Hosted by Okanagan College, over 300 businesses set up information booths, interview spaces and ingenious recruiting techniques to lure potential employees into programs at the college, local businesses and the Armed Forces and police departments. Jill enjoyed the day and received much attention for the new project. About 100 people spoke with Jill about the exciting job opportunities at our campus of homes, and many resumes were received the following week by interested care aides, human service workers, nursing students and more.
Below you see a picture of Jill with Janette Jackman our Leader of Operations in Langley. Janette joined Jill and Patti on site for a recent tour. Janette had not been to the site since May of this year, so she was quite blown away with our progress. Janette was part of the original team that put together the plans for this amazing project and she couldn't quite believe she was standing in the kitchen and bedrooms of the homes they had sketched out on paper! Janette was in town assisting Jill with some of the piles of administrivia that need to be addressed to open our homes. Thanks so much for your help Janette~